About Us

About Us

SOUTHPARTNERS was born in 2016 through the need to segment OXYCORP's product portfolio with non-food products, SOUTHPARTNERS is part of the OXYCORP business group.

SOUTHPARTNERS, had a timid beginning, but with intensive work, innovation and technology, managed to conquer its space.

Today our portifolio counts on several items, such as:

  • Ores;
  • Woods;
  • Scraps;
  • Ethanol;
  • Coal;
  • Paper & Cellulose;
  • Fertilizers;
  • Cement;
  • Granite & Marble..

The result of a long learning process and continuous improvement, today SOUTHPARTNERS is a solid company that cultivates the same principles of quality and professionalism:


  • Our goal is to be a reference as a Brazilian supplier of the best products and services.


  • Being an obstinate company in meeting the needs and expectations of our customers, creating value to all the public with whom we relate.


  • Transparency,
  • Ethic,
  • Honesty,
  • Dedication
  • Respect.

Last News

Main Headquarters - BRAZIL

  • St. Cristovão Colombo, 1801 room 501

    Floresta | Porto Alegre | Rio Grande do Sul | Brazil

    ZIP Code: 90560-000

    PHONE: +55 41 99900.8247

    EMAIL: sales@southpartners.com.br

© 2018 southpartners. Todos Direitos Reservados.